Hoseob SEO

Ph.D. in Mathematics

Welcome! I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow
at Center for Complex Geometry, Institute for Basic Science.

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Center for Complex Geometry in Institute for Basic Science (IBS-CCG). I got a Ph.D. at Seoul National University under the supervision of Dano Kim. Before working at IBS-CCG, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at Research Institute of Mathematics in Seoul National University.

My research interests are in complex geometry, several complex variables, and algebraic geometry. More explicitly, I am interested in singularities of plurisubharmonic functions, multiplier ideal sheaves, and notion of positivity in complex geometry and algebraic geometry, including $L^2$ estimates and their applications.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Center for Complex Geometry, Institute for Basic Science

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Research Interests

Complex Geometry, Several Complex Variables and Algebraic Geometry.

Main Research Objects

  • Singularities of plurisubharmonic functions
  • Multiplier ideal sheaves
  • Positivity of vector bundles
  • $L^2$ estimates and their applications

Upcoming and Recent Talks

  • 2024. Dec. GNU Geometry Seminar, Jinju, Korea
    Title: A survey of multiplier ideal sheaves on toric varieties

  • 2024. Dec. 2024 Mini-workshop on Complex Analytic Geometry in Daegu, Daegu, Korea
    Title: A survey of multiplier ideal sheaves on toric varieties

  • 2024. Dec. PNU Geometry and Topology Seminar, Busan, Korea
    Title: Legendre transformation related to toric plurisubharmonic functions and its application

  • 2024. Aug. 2024 Seoul Workshop on Complex Geometry and Analysis, Seoul, Korea
    Title: On approximations of toric plurisubharmonic functions and currents

  • 2024. Aug. Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2024, Osaka, Japan
    Title: On equisingular approximations of toric plurisubharmonic functions and currents

Conferences organized